Sunday, June 5, 2011

Identifying the family connections of the headstones in the Raritan, Illinois, cemetery

I did some searching on the internet today, and I believe I have identified all the family connections for the Simonson headstones in the Raritan, Illinois, cemetery, except Ray Simonson (see previous post for the photos of the headstones, Visit to the Raritan, Illinois, Cemetery).  The U.S. Census for 1900 (available at, search for Peter Simonson) gave it away.  It appears that most of the family buried in Raritan are descendents of Peter Wortman Simonson (1857-1934), who was the second son (but third child) of Simon Van Arsdale Simonson (1830-1921) and Anne Elizabeth Wortman (1832-1907).  I updated the information on to show the new links I have found.

The word I heard from the Raritan locals was that there was only one Simonson family that is still farming around Raritan.  Apparently they descended through Peter Wortman Simonson and Elmer Simonson.  Perhaps they work the old ancestral farm?  Maybe Peter Wortman Simonson inherited the farms of both Simon Van Arsdale Simonson and Garret Simonson (1819-)?

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